Trying Knitting. Again.


When it comes to making stuff with my hands, I can usually pick up new skills pretty quickly. However, that seems to go to shit when I’m knitting. I think it’s because I can’t visualize what’s going to happen. I don’t have enough practice to know what I’m seeing. And that frustrates me. A lot. And fixing mistakes? Nope. Frog it. Frog it all.

My grandma taught me some basics when I was in high school, but we didn’t visit very often and I really needed some hand holding for it to stick.

In-progress snood, 2016

Anyway, after abandoning learning to knit in 2017, I’m trying again. And taking a peek at past projects to show myself that I can in fact, do it. Above is some snood pattern from WAK that I’m pretty sure I donated.

Finished hat, 2016

After making that snood, I tried another WAK kit. I think it’s the Sienna beanie that I probably chose because of the name. I think it might have also been donated. I hate wearing hats since I have curly hair (such a commitment), but was told hats are a good place to start.

In-progress scarf, 2016

Shortly after the hat, I tried the Ranta scarf, which I ended up being pretty proud of. I was able to find a groove while knitting, but I also remember writing so many notes to keep track of where I was in the project. I don’t have any finished photos, but I did end up keeping it! Maybe one day I’ll even block it!

In-progress sweater, 2017

After making a snood, a hat, and a scarf, I thought I was ready for a sweater. Sweaters are the whole reason I have any interest in knitting in the first place. The dream is to add Babaà and Misha & Puff style sweaters to my skill set and wardrobe.

My Classic sweater turned out okay, but there are a few things I hate about it. Firstly, it’s constructed in pieces and seamed together. I cannot make the seaming look good. It also doesn’t have any shaping at the neckline (the front and back pieces are exactly the same) so I feel like I’m being choked when I wear it. And lastly, it’s HOT. I can’t wear it without sweating, but I get that chunky yarn is a good way to learn and it knits up faster.

In-progress sleeves, 2017

After finishing the first sweater, even though it had problems I didn’t know I how to fix, I started a second. I finished making the sleeves, but that was it. I recently discovered them in bag filled with other unused yarn.

Test swatch, 2017

I abandoned the second Classic sweater for this bobble sweater. I was freaking ready for a M&P popcorn sweater to be in my life.

Sweater in Denver, CO. 2017

It even traveled with me! But after working on it for three months, I made a teeny tiny mistake and gave up. It was another knit flat and seam up pattern, which I was also not happy about so abandoning it was easy.


Ever since, I kinda told myself knitting wasn’t for me. But I really don’t like that I gave up on it because I wasn’t instantly good at it. I wasn’t instantly good at sewing, or drawing, or ceramics, or painting, but I kept learning because I got more immediate gratification from those practices.

Anyway, I’m giving it another go. My amazingly skilled cousin is helping me and I found a LYS that has “get unstuck” sessions. Wish me luck!

10 Replies to “Trying Knitting. Again.”

  1. Good luck – I have advice, as a long time knitter, but I see you aren’t looking for that. Sweaters of bulky yarn knit up quickly, but they are difficult to finish (ie the sewing up etc) nicely and are very warm. You got what you made – and it looks good! I did my best learning by trying to knit something i really WANTED. Seaming is a skill that takes practice, and there are techniques specific to sewing up knitwear. I hope you hang in there – a good hand-knit is a treasure.

  2. Not gonna lie, I am STOKED that you are knitting! I really dig your textile aesthetic and seeing it knit in wool (or, you know, whatever fiber content you like) is gonna be a treat!!

  3. Stop with the chunky yarn and big needles. They are uncomfortable to work with. You are ready for worsted or dk weight mittens on maybe #7 or 8 needles.

    1. Helen, I for one find relief in using larger needles to whip up scarves and hats as my fingers have a hard time constantly gripping the slender 2.5mm I use for socks.

      Also, just because someone doesn’t use a tool or material you use doesn’t mean they can’t. Maybe someone uses chunky yarn because they love the plush texture and not because they ‘aren’t ready’ to use the …. sophisticated? thinner yarns.

  4. Do you remember when knitting was being called “the new yoga”? And was touted as being super meditative and calming? I think that was the biggest craft scam ever, and the reason why so many people feel crummy for dropping it entirely when it turns out to be spectacularly stressful! I’ve been knitting for approximately one thousand years and can still not sleep sometimes after a particularly difficult piece because it makes my heart race from frustration. Which is to say, don’t beat yourself up! And cheers to getting unstuck!

  5. your classic sweater looks great!!!!

    are you on ravelry? its a great resource for connecting to other knitters and finding inspiration.

    i also recommend using a finer gauge yarn, it does take longer to create something, but its easier to seam and drapes more nicely.

    1. Yep! I’ve had a Ravelry account for years, but I get overwhelmed whenever I browse. I think I need some “quick” wins like the Good Night, Day pattern I’m attempting now before I can commit to anything finer. It is kind of unpleasant to knit though… Yay learning!

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