The gentleman’s cabinet is done! It still needs a coat of wax, but it’s upstairs and looking so much better. This thing is solid wood, so I was able to sand out a lot of the deep scuffs and scratches. It’s still sporting some imperfections, but I’m calling it *character*

I am okay with the stain color. It’s a bit more orange than I thought it would be and it kinda makes my eyes vibrate. There’s absolutely no way I’m going to re-sand it though!

I’ve still gotta figure out what goes in each drawer, but I know it’s for sure going to be a home for interfacing and bulkier sewing supplies. I think the big divided drawer is going to be perfect for yarn and knitting WIPs too.

I’m excited to find some art n’ things to style the top of it. The extra surface has already proven super handy and adding a light to this dark corner has lengthened my nighttime making sessions.
He’s beautiful! So nice to have hidden storage for all of the bits that go into making. And in a really nice piece of furniture as well. Kudos!
Wow, what an improvement! Both the cabinet and that corner of the room. Well Done!